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Everyone with assets worth protecting today needs estate planning. 

The smaller your estate the more you need estate planning. Smaller estates need protection to assure that their estates will last for their lifetime. There are many complex laws and health care, legal and nursing home exposures facing us in the 21st century. 

Larger estates need estate planning to assure the best tax advantages, and legal protection to pass to the next generation. If a large estate does not do proper estate planning, the heirs will probably still have something left over. 

If a small estate does not do proper estate planning, however, the risk could cost a family to lose everything. In some cases this could happen during one or both spouses lifetime. For smaller estates, estate planning is family survival planning. 

Business and farm owners have even more at risk. The concerns are not just for the family. It may also involve others in the business, perhaps becoming victim to harsh laws that freeze the business and bring others into control that may not have have the same goals and dreams as the original family business did. 

As Americans, we all want lifestyle protection, peace of mind, financial security, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have laws that provide us opportunity for if we know how to use them properly. 

Are you doing proper estate planning and taking full advantage of all the laws to protect you? If not, you may be  thinking the government will take care of you or your loved ones. This strategy runs the risk of losing control over the lives of your loved ones and perhaps even your financial independence and liberty. Doing nothing can leave you or your loved ones at the mercy of many laws putting others in control of your assets and leaving what is left over to you or your loved ones? 

Estate Planning today is lifestyle liberty, control and peace of mind planning for the 21st century. 


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Newsweek Article noting Steve and Bonnie Kaufmann for Educational Programs

Estate Planning Practitioners
Who Needs Asset Protection/Estate Planning?
Taking Fear Out of  Estate Planning
Debunking Long Term Care Myths
Do You Need an Estate Planning Checklist?
Long Term Care Planning
Multi-Generational Family Asset Protection Planning
Steps To Proper Estate Planning

For more information contact:

P O Box 669
211 West Main Street
Luray, VA  22835

181 Summer Street, suite 2
Lunenburg, MA 01462
Phone: 1 800 326 4179
9 - 5 Eastern time
Fax: 703 995 0320
Serving the state of Virginia and Massachusetts
Laws, regulations and licensing requirements vary between states.
Be sure to contact counsel for your state for specific information before making any decisions.

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Greetings from Stephen J. Kaufmann

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